
Assuming you've installed everything, double-click on the application file to get the program started. After a brief pause you should see a window with the title ``'' and a couple of messages showing the current version of and the path name of the Default configuration file just loaded. The Default file contains references to an encoding file called Mac8r.enc, so it will also be loaded. If you made a mistake during installation then you might get one or more error messages. The messages should give you some idea of how to fix the problem. If you need to edit the Default file, read section [*] for a detailed discussion of configuration files. The window is always present; note that it has no close box in the top left corner. This window provides a terminal-like interface for . Text in the window can be copied to the Clipboard or saved to a file. You can also start up by double-clicking on foo.dvi. The advantage of this method is that if foo.tex exists then that file name will appear in the TEX menu, ready for typesetting. Note that under System 7 or later you can drop foo.tex onto the icon and will immediately typeset the file. The production of a TEX document typically involves a number of iterations through the following cycle: edit, typeset, preview and print. (People concerned about our dwindling forests will hopefully preview many more times than they print.) Let's go through this cycle step by step.